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Success Refund Service


Our Mission:

Delivering excellence in alleviating the entire claim process for Australian businesses,

organisations and individuals
with integrity and professionalism.

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Authority to Release



Why have I been contacted regarding  finances that have been lost?

As refund consultants, we take it upon ourselves to reach out, assist and work with people who are entitled to claim their lost and unclaimed money.

We will have contacted you because we believe that lost money we have located may belong to you. In most cases, people are unaware that their money is lost and waiting to be claimed so it's likely to be a nice surprise to learn  that money could be owed to you and that you didn't even know about it.

   5 Great reasons to get started​

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It is our responsibility to locate the rightful owners and reunite them with their lost money

We liaise with the various holding authorities to ensure the full release of all monies outstanding quickly and successfully. Occasionally, additional information may be required by the department or financial institution holding the money; if so then we will communicate this to you and assist you to source the information.​

To process a claim, we must first verify your claim.  To do this, we require at least 100 points of identification, as per national banking standards.  We will also prepare an Agreement & Authority to Act, which sets out the terms and conditions of our service and formalises your authority for us to make the claim on your behalf.​

Once the funds are released, they are then either forwarded to you by cheque or deposited to your nominated account, less our processing fee.  Claims are completed within 6 to 8 weeks of receiving all the correct claim documentation.

How do people misplace millions of dollars every year?

Every day, people and businesses leave cash in financial institutions, insurance companies, government authorities and other organisations. It’s human nature to forget and even the best kept records can have gaps. As absurd as it sounds, it happens constantly. It is estimated that 1 in 3 individuals actually have money owing to them without their knowledge. Most commonly, money is lost or misplaced because of:


Moving Overseas Oversight Moving House

Read more about unclaimed money in the news

This particular article, from the Sydney Morning Herald, refers just to lost bank accounts. From this you can see that you're not alone in having lost funds. An enormeous $1.1 billion dollars is currently sitting in various trust funds, unclaimed by Australians.

Read more.

What are lost and unclaimed monies?

Individuals and companies sometimes lose track of the money they own , for example, bank accounts, shares, bonds, life insurance policies and other types of investments. This may happen because of a change of address, a change of name, a change of employer, a move overseas and, sometimes, just plain oversight. Where this happens, and the financial institution or previous authority is unable to locate the owner of the money, the money is considered "lost". In most cases, lost money is transferred to a Government trust account and remains there while it is "unclaimed". What may interest you is that, if owners of this money do not step forward, this money is then taken up as Government revenue. In most cases this is the inevitable fate for lost money unless the correct owner steps forward to claim their lost money.

Photo Credit: Jack Moreh,

What makes this process even more difficult is that each state in Australia has separate laws relating to lost funds and various institutions responsible for lost monies unique to that state (with their own set of individual claiming rules and procedures). This can make this process very difficult as small mistakes can lead to a much more difficult return process later and may require months of assistance in order to complete the claim. Therefore, it’s always better to make sure that your claim is done right the first time.​​

What types of monies can be lost and waiting to be reunited with their owners?

Matters we commonly assist with include unpresented cheques, superannuation, company takeovers, and rental and local council bonds.

We also assist in areas such as:

* Lost Bank Accounts

* Lost Shares

* Lost Life Insurance

* Many other forms of lost monies

Photo Credit: Stuart Miles,

If I don't choose to claim these lost monies, what happens then?

The answer is simple; the funds will stay (in many cases) in a government trust account and will remain unclaimed. Then, depending on which authority holds the funds, the money will eventually be transferred into the Government's consolidated revenue fund once a certain period of time has passed.  Once this happens, and the government gets it, it’s gone and there is no further chance of recovery.

How is my money returned?

Our refund experts specialise in finding unclaimed funds for Australian individuals and companies who have lost track of their money. We assist in first verifying the identity of the rightful owner(s) and then assist with the claims process by managing the documentation, preparation and submission of claims. We then follow through the process to completion, and the return of your lost monies to you.

What have been some other peoples experiences with the refund process?

You can read of some other peoples experience with the refund process here


What laws do we have to abide by?

There are many laws in place that protect you as a consumer and your lost money and which regulate the operations of mony recovery agencies such as ours.

It is an offence under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 to give false or misleading information or documentation. This means that we are bound by law to ensure that we undertake correct procedures. It also means that we are bound by law to promptly refund your funds into your preferred bank account or by cheque.

We are trained through Create Australia, who also serve as a third party validating our claim as a refund consulting agent. We are frequently updated with industry information which keeps our knowledge and training relevant so you can be sure you are putting your trust in the hands of up-to-date industry experts.

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